In only a passing order of importance:
- My name is Dale McGladdery
- Pronouns: He / Him
- I watch a lot of TV and Movies
- I used to read a lot of books, but not so much lately. I still love them and still manage to read a few.
- My favourite genre is Science Fiction / Fantasy
- I co-host a podcast named After the Credits (
- I am a volunteer producer on the radio show/podcast Each For All: The Co-operative Connection on Vancouver Co-op Radio
- I am a regular co-host on the Over 40 in Vancouver podcast
- I am fascinated storytelling and the way stories so profoundly influence a person’s worldview
- I started off in electronics until I discovered I really should have gone into computer programming (the signs were there)
- I eventually became a web developer after a 13 years as a VAX system administration and Operations Supervisor
- My amateur radio call sign is VE7ENG. My only claim to fame is Australia running QRP), and I still even remember some Morse code.
- I still have an interest in electronics, and may even pick up a soldering iron again
- My twitter account is @dale42
- My technical website is
- My old “creative” blogging website is